Seanna was born and raised in rural Maryland but always had a passion for being on and near the ocean. She didn’t get into scuba diving until her parents signed her up for an Open Water certification when she was in high school. Getting certified in a quarry while there was still snow on the ground was not ideal, however, Seanna got certified and loved it. It wasn’t until a few years later, when Seanna finally got to go on an ocean dive, that she was hooked!
Immediately she began researching how to make a career out of being a diver. Life took over and Seanna became immersed in school and work, however, being a dive professional was still a dream of hers. When she finished graduate school, Seanna decided that this was the perfect time to try something different and something that she had been thinking about for a while now, living out her passion for the ocean and all that it has to offer. So, she packed her bags and moved to the Florida Keys to begin her new life as a dive professional, and never looked back.
Seanna has been an Open Water Scuba Instructor since 2020 and an IDC Staff Instructor since 2021. Her biggest passion in the dive industry is conservation. Being able to see, first-hand, the state of the reef with both coral cover loss and marine debris, Seanna enjoys being part of the solution to improve the health of the reef system.
Favorite Restaurant: Hobo’s in Key Largo
Favorite Sea Creature: Smooth trunk fish
Favorite Specialty CourseL Dive Against Debris